You should have already received an email from TSPC stating that you do NOT need to report PDU’s for the next two years. Check all folders (Chrome places it in Forums).

Rule # 584-255-0005 suspends PDU Reporting Requirements. You will not have to submit a professional development log because of language in the 2022 House Bill 4030. In (Section 4) TSPC was told to temporarily suspend the requirement to submit verification of professional development earned for educators holding renewable licenses.

If your license is expiring, or has expired between 1/1/2022 through 12/31/2023, you can apply to reinstate licenses and do not have to submit verification of the additional PDU’s.

Your “carryover PDU’s” can be used according to the rules that will be in effect at the time of application on or after 1/1/2024.

REPORTING OF PDU’S HAS BEEN SUSPENDED- However, anyone holding educational licenses to be renewed or reinstated is encouraged to keep collecting PDU’s

Below you will find information on obtaining and reporting PDU’s.

OSTA recommends that you continue to collect PDU's


OSTA recommends that you continue to collect PDU's 〰️

Continuing PDUs - reporting requirements suspended until December 31, 2023; specific law

Guide to Continuing PDUs from TSPC (Rev. 7-2021)


COVID PDU Staff Internal PDU Guidance - Temporary changes to the numbers of PDUs needed for license renewal.

Professional Development

Be Positively Powerful website You Tube Videos (Nancy Willard) - Educators, mental health professionals, and others who work with teens can find additional informational resources here.

EdWeb edWeb helps educators share innovative ideas to improve teaching and learning.

Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerence) - Looking for inspiration and support? Learning for Justice provides a range of materials for educators: learning modules that make you think, presentations you can share and hands-on workshops with our expert trainers. These resources help teachers improve their practice and help K–12 leaders shape their schools into strong, equitable communities.

Oregon Educator Network Events Calendar